Thursday, May 31, 2012

Finally..a new blog.

No..I haven't blogged in a long long time. I fail. But there were a lot of things I didn't feel like writing about where other people could read. Some day when I'm dead, my great grandchildren will get to read all sorts of interesting journals and blogs and unsent letters.

So..everyone pretty much knows that we are expecting our next baby. That's big news. First trimester is over. OVER. Finally. This first trimester was not fun, not that it was fun with Auralia either, but this one was more scary and not reassuring at all compared to the 24 hour sickness of carrying Auralia. Hence, no blogs.

Husband is not on the same continent as us, once again, during a pregnancy. But that's ok. We deal. That's what we do. And he's pretty happy with where he's working and what he's working on so that's pretty amazing. ...he's not always completely pleased with his assignments.

My two year a two year old. Funny and exasperating and I'm totally overwhelmed with Jer gone.

In another 3ish months we should know where we'll be going next year. In another month and a half we'll know if the to-be-baby is a girl or boy and start planning more of that stuff.

I mostly miss my husband. And sometimes, I feel like the progress of our lives is really just a giant circle.