Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wasted Opportunity? I think not.

It takes almost $1,000 to take 2 classes at the community college here. That's without books. Or pencils and paper.

There's a new grant for JBLM spouses to further their education that's available to some of us...not all, of course. Your spouse has to be a certain rank, you have to submit to extreme questioning about your finances, you have to be willing to study something they want you to study so you can improve the economy.

I don't know what I want to do. Not really. I just want to be in school, forever. So...maybe I should become a teacher, or a librarian... except that I don't really like kids (except my own and very few others) and while being a librarian would be the COOLEST JOB EVER... I'm pretty sure libraries are dying. Ebooks are the future and that's ok with me.

The sad part, to me at least, is that Ebooks are the future, it seems to me that language in general is dying. And that makes me really sad.


I prefer research. So..I could tell all these people that I want to be a teacher or a doctor or historian or whatever.. and get them to pay for my degree.. and then when I pursue further education (at that point hopefully we'll be a little more financially secure..) I can do whatever I want.

I envy the people who want a career. The people that know what they'd like to be...or are willing to put their finances on the line to pursue what they think they want.. Unfortunately I am not comfortable with taking out loans when I don't know when or if I'll be paying them off with the money earned from my imaginary career. I'm mostly happy with staying home and taking care of my family, in fact I love it. I just want to go to school too.


I go to talk to these people with the grant on Friday. We'll see.

A lot of people could probably say that I've wasted plenty of opportunities. ...I had scholarships I could've used for theater, technical or performing, when I left high school. But.. I didn't want it. I didn't want theater as a career no matter how good I was at either pretending to be someone I wasn't or bossing people around. Which is fun.. but wears on you after awhile. And if you don't really want the theater, then it's pointless to pursue it. We could've not joined the army and both worked our way through schools in Colorado.. but then Auralia wouldn't be here right now. And I'm pretty happy that she is.. We wouldn't be the people we are and I'm pretty happy with us.

I just wish 2 classes could be a little more affordable. Say 6 or 8 hundred. Especially since I only need like 5 freaking classes to graduate.

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