Saturday, September 22, 2012

Peanut Butter

It started with the occasional Nutrageous or Whatchamacallit candy bar.. Not such a big deal as those are 2 of my favorite candy bars any way.. so every couple days I'd buy one and eat half or a third of one at night time after the child had been put to bed.

Then the weather got hot...and I have no air conditioning.. so any chocolate in my house would melt. Yes, my house was really that hot. Sad day. However, in this family, we often put chocolate in the freezer..because it's better that way, duh. So.. you can't really put a Nutrageous or Whatchamacallit into the freezer. Caramel or rice crispy parts of candy bars don't freeze so well..well, they do, but then I'd be breaking my teeth trying to eat. So..enter Reece's pieces. A big ass box lasts at least a week.. better yet, the regular Reece's. One a night. Occasionally two. Frozen..they are DELICIOUS.

Today is officially the start of Autumn. Thank you Jesus. So..I don't really need frozen candy any more to get me through hot nights. I need apple-cinnamon tea and yummy toast. Peanut butter toast. And at breakfast time...I need apples (because since I've hit the 3rd trimester, I apparently want fruit) covered in peanut butter.

I am not really a peanut butter person. Nutella, yes. Chocolate, yes. Crackers and cheese, yes. Wine, yes. Peanut butter... no. Not so much.

So, my eating peanut butter at least twice a day in some form, is just strange to me. Strange a lot.

With Auralia it was pancakes. I ate pancakes a couple times a week for a good trimester. Maybe longer. ...I very rarely eat pancakes now.

 So..we are 10 weeks or less from baby being here. 69 days and counting. We are healthy and growing steadily. Not exercising enough due to an extremely complicated school schedule that will abate a little in the next then exercising will start being a priority again.

Still don't know for sure whether or not baby will be delivered VBAC or C-section.. if I go into labor naturally then I'll pretty much decide right then and there what I feel like doing. Jer's leave hasn't been approved yet, but he should be here (in theory) a couple days before baby if baby can be patient.. I have my doubts about the patience of baby tho.. I just feel like he's going to come early.

We'll be planning a baby shower..probably the first weekend of November. So, that should be fun.

Auralia's now insisting that baby is a girl. And she compared me to an elephant a couple days ago.

The end.

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