Wednesday, March 23, 2011


We're at a point where I feel comfortable putting the baby in daycare for a few hours a day. We're ok money-wise, but it'd be nice to have a little extra. So...I should go out and find a part time job, yes? I have 2 job interviews set up in the next couple days..

I dunno.. Because as I'm setting the baby up with Child and Youth Services on post so I can put her in daycare or with a babysitter, I'm finding more and more things that I'd enjoy doing with her. Like, the tumbling classes and the swim lessons and the reading hour at the library... I need open availability with my daughter but I also need open availability to work in retail part time.

So.. Do I work from home again? I've sold Avon on and off since I was 16. But..before I was doing it where I knew people, had a good customer list and so on and so forth. True, I'm pretty computer savvy and can advertise through different websites on and off post now... Sigh. The extra money would be nice. But I'm not sure if I can stay organized enough to do it all from home with the baby and now the puppy. It's something I'm seriously considering tho. There's 12 representatives in this area already...I dunno.

I'd like to have even a couple hundred bucks extra a month just to put in savings. Or so I can fly back to Colorado whenever I want.

Have I mentioned that we're buying a Beast? :) ...a car older than I am for an unbelievable good price (thank you Kit!) ..a car that'll get Jer back and forth to work and that's it for the next year.

Um...what else? TMJ stuff... finally getting (sorta) taken care of. I have dentists and doctor appointments set up for the first week of April. Jer's bosses are gonna hate me that week for taking him out of work so he can watch the baby while I'm off getting my jaw probed. I'm halfway drugging myself at night, which I absolutely hate doing but it does indeed help.

I've lost 2 pounds... since the doctors and dentists insist that I eat food that doesn't really need to be chewed, I eat a lot of ice cream. So.. that means I decided to immediately start working out, lol.

Jer's in the field on and off for a week or two right now... So, I get to be home with the puppy and baby lots and lots. ...She has two teeth coming in that I fear are killing both of us.

We're applying for a new house..a bigger house. So we'll probably be moving next month, just across post but that works for me. I don't especially care if we lived next door as long as we had some more square footage and a bigger yard.

I really need to buy a lawn mower.

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