Saturday, June 9, 2012

2nd Trimester

Hello second trimester. Official second trimester. We hit 14 weeks a couple days ago..and I am oh so happy that we've made it this far.

The "Oh shit, what have we done?" feeling is slowly wearing off. Maybe. Sometimes. Ok. Probably not.

Auralia says it's a boy..this week. Last week it was a girl. Before that it was a baby cow. So.. her opinion is not to be trusted.

To my "anonymous" commenter... More? Um.. I didn't often blog about my first pregnancy. Not as often as I blogged once Auralia was about a year old. Mostly because there are often mixed opinions about when the husband and I choose to have our children.

I've already gotten some comments like, "Well, I guess this one wasn't planned." Dear friends: Can you guess who would say something like that to me?


I know that there are some people out there that firmly believe that birth control doesn't work. And maybe not all birth control forms work as well as they should, maybe some people are just stupid.. I dunno. But I do know that I don't get pregnant unless I want to. I don't do much of anything unless I want to. So why, oh why, would someone who should really know me by now, assume that this pregnancy was not planned?



Anyway.. because the husband is never here to go through a pregnancy with me, I'm perhaps a little more guarded about what I say, or write, when it comes to my blog. Because with 6 bazillion hormones going through me, plus my regular temperament... I could probably hurt some people's feelings. (Which would probably amuse my "anonymous" commenter...) I would hurt some people's feelings. I have very little control over my thought process, but I tend to have enormous control over what actually comes out of my long as I like you. When pregnant, I tend to try to shut my mouth more and get overly protective of my happy little family.

I could and will say, I've gained 5 pounds since moving back to Colorado.. good home cooking plus pregnancy. Not bad considering that I like to eat any way and for about a month I was concentrating on school instead of working out. I'm no longer dizzy, or gagging every other minute...which is a plus. We're still debating on what color to paint the nursery.. and if I haven't stated it before I will now, I'm still being tight lipped about baby names. Or at least our name if it's a girl. That's my small piece of rebellion right now. (Sorry, Mom.) The belly is beginning to show through and my boobs are getting huge. Because that's pregnancy. Sigh.

If you know me, you know that I have a problem with big boobs. I don't care if other people have big boobs but really.. I'm not a fan.

Mostly I'm desperately awaiting news of when Jer's leave will be. If he'll get a visit in before the baby gets here or just when the baby gets here. Desperately waiting for Finance to get off their asses and get his paycheck fixed, because once again in his military career..our pay is fucked up. WWWAAAAAYYYY fucked up. So..waiting for back pay. I'm waiting for it to be September when it will no longer be 90+ degrees in my house.

And I'm knitting. Ya. Knitting. Strange but true.


  1. I agree that they're idiots... lots and I'm glad you're not having a baby cow. :) Miss you!

  2. That was better, but you need to start hurting those feelings that will induce a much greater feeling on your behalf, yeah they may get hurt, but the only way they will be hurt is if they truly dont know you. Stop being such such a wimp. And blaming it on pregnancy hormones? If i cant blame something on Aunt Flow once a month, then you cant blame your "Pregnancy Hormones". Love-Anonymous...hehe
