Monday, July 18, 2011

Baby Bumps

Are everywhere this season.

It's one of the strange, strange things that you see living on or near a military base...there are pregnant women everywhere and in good weather they are soaking up the sun.

...of course this is our first day of sun in about 3 days...but who's counting?

There are times when I can ignore fertility completely... Yes, we'll have more kids some day. Yes, we were planning on already trying for it until the military decided that the husband should be somewhere else and that I can not go with him. So... I try to turn that yearning off. And it works for a few months until I'm surrounded by baby bumps and newborns being strolled through the park and lots of family and friends being cutely preggo. ...and even more friends trying to be preggo.

It makes me mad. Mostly. I should not be letting the military dictate when we'll have children. But at the same time, I would really like my husband around for at least part of a pregnancy the next time around.

And then my adorable little girl will start shrieking at the dog and I think... why would I want to do this again? I should trade them all in for cats.


  1. *sigh* they are all over Greeley too! Like a plague :/

  2. They are saying 'haha I can do this and you can't!' and they are now coming out, all these adorable babies (girl babies)....I will get over this right??
