Monday, July 25, 2011


Change is a good, necessary thing. I'm a firm believer of that.

A lot of civilians make fun of the fact that a lot of military spouses work from home. Often times we sell things whether it be beauty products, candles, incense, crafts, artwork, sex toys or health products.

I have sold things in the past... Not since I've been a military spouse, but on and off since I was 16 I've worked from home or out of my home depending on the time. I'm quite good at selling things, there have been many other friends of mine who try to get me to sell stuff for them. But I haven't succumbed yet.

Not because I care what those civilians think... But because for awhile I just didn't want to sell anything. I didn't want to start ANYTHING new.

The government tells military spouses that they've teamed up with oh so many companies and businesses that want to hire us because they'll now receive bonuses from the government if they hire us. Well.. that may be true.. But I have a fairly impressive resume, I have really unbelievably good references and a fair amount of education...but I cannot guarantee I'll be here for another year. Or 6 months.. Or really, any amount of time at all. So when I go into an interview and they say, "Wow, look at all your customer service and sales experience, that's really good!.. How long has your husband been stationed here and when will you guys be leaving?" I could lie.. but I don't. So I sort of screw myself.

Is that discrimination? Of course. Do you think that matters... not so much.

Why would any company want to hire someone like that. Regardless of whatever they're saying about being "military" friendly... that really means they're a lot more friendly to "used-to-be in the military, that's why I have so many jobs listed on my resume, but we're done with it now" K, thanks.

So I think I'm gonna start the at home business stuff again. Make however much money I want, not have to pay a babysitter all the time, and be able to leave it without guilt, at any time I need to.

And for all the civilians that think it's funny how many military spouses work their asses off from home... I think you should quit your 50 hour a week jobs and try to make as much as you made then working from home.. While your spouse is deployed, your kids are sick and your car's breaking down. And then laugh.

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