Tuesday, April 12, 2011

As Seen on Oprah

Our First Lady has been fairly outspoken about helping out military families since her husband's been in office. This is a good thing.

MWR programs, FRG programs, programs for spouses and children are all really great things. Education for military families, jobs for military spouses, fun and food for everyone...it's all good, right? She starts her national tour to explain how she wants to help this week...she's been touched by all of our stories and wants the whole wide world to know that we are strong, that we are capable, but that the civilian world should understand our stress and strife and feel sorry for us.

Personally I don't feel like I need anyone's pity.

Personally I feel like someone who's so understanding and outspoken about military families should try to put some pressure on finding out what's going on with federal spending v. budget cuts. And then maybe she should explain to us what'll be happening to the military come the end of September.


I'm not mad. I just don't understand why issues aren't getting addressed by people who could be addressing them.

Do public figures, who people look up to, have an obligation to address the issues that they say are important? Wouldn't it be better for them to stand up and say that they don't understand but will find the answers? 

What bothers me is the not knowing... of course. Lol. Wouldn't it be better to tell us that there's no money, that our military can dissolve? Or tell us which programs are going to be cut, what is going to cost us more money, if the paychecks will be coming? Just a little warning would be better than nothing.

A couple weeks ago I thought the hard part of the next couple months would us be deciding whether or not to stay in the military... now the hard part's figuring out if there will be a military.

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