Friday, May 27, 2011

5 Minutes

Sometimes, I just need to lay down with my hubby for 5 minutes. Within 5 minutes everything can calm down or rev up, within 5 minutes we can lay everything out that's important...even if it can't be completely discussed in the 5 minutes.

Sometimes, those 5 minutes are on the floor in the living room with the baby and the cats and the dog. Because if the mama lays on the floor then of course the baby is going to come sit and of course the dog is going to want to lay on the mama and then the cats are going to come see what's going on. So then the hubby comes along to take some of the weight and we all end up just laying for a few minutes. Until the baby decides we all need slobbery kisses and the dog starts eating my hair in between slobbering on the cats and the cats..try to get away from the dog while still staying in close range.

Sometimes I forget to take those minutes. And I really shouldn't. They make all the difference in my life.

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