Thursday, May 26, 2011

...Socks. And stuff.

I am a really good deployment-wife. And a really horrible garrison-wife.

That pretty much sums it up.

I hate green socks. Well..not the green socks. But the fact that the hundreds of pairs of green socks start turning light-green, or diarrhea-brown...I hate that.  And the fact that I should match them all. That a light-green sock should go with another light-green sock just kills me, only because one half of the pair will be light green at the top and dark green around the sole and the other half of that pair will be diarrhea-brown all the way through. Sigh. I also occasionally hate white socks. I didn't, until a couple days ago.. That's when I noticed that some of the white socks with gray toes and heel...well some times that gray part is right by the ankle lining, and sometimes it's about 2 centimeters down from the ankle lining. Aaha moment, let me tell you.

I'd like to think that I support my husband at his job. With his job. I'm interested in what he does, I love that he does his best and that he works hard at his job. I'm cordial to the people he works with. I love to help him learn more about his job and love to help him study for promotions. But I hate.. really, really abhor from the fact that I can't go yell at people when he's treated unfairly.  Not yell necessarily...but convince whoever is doing the wrong-doing that they should perhaps stop. Or else. Lol. When someone's lost an important piece of paper about him that could really screw him over. Or when someone's misfiled a form (6 times) that would let us get a bonus. I hate that.

There are proper procedures for everything in the military. I'm sure that somewhere, in some handbook is an article about how to match discolored socks. Just like I'm sure that somewhere, in some handbook is an article about how to complain about being treated like crap by a bunch of paper-pushers.

I just know I'd feel better if I could go punch someone in a certain office. Same goes with insurance people.

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