Monday, May 2, 2011


I'm very proud of our military. Proud to be, in an extremely indirect way, part of the intelligence community.

I'm a little scared...Scared for our troops currently in Afghanistan.

I'm a little appalled. Appalled at everyone who thinks that everything will be better now that one man in dead. A man is dead. One who spread his ideals and terrorism around the world. He is dead, his ideals are not. And I'm ashamed of every single person I know who thinks that all is better in the Middle East now. Idiots.

I am NOT ashamed of calling you an idiot.

I'm not one of those people who were oh so concerned about him being dead. As far as I'm concerned, he was an icon. Icons die. When icons die, it pisses a lot of people off. And while I think that my version of justice has been served, I think everyone even slightly related to the military community should be thinking about and hopefully, avoiding, the repercussions that might be felt. Haven't any of you noticed the abundance of security the last few days? 

I think we  need to come together, unite, and instead of rejoicing the death of a man, start planning the death of terrorism.


  1. Exactly my thoughts - was trying to convince a co-worker earlier today and it was a little shaky for awhile... I just don't understand some people. :(
